Bonneville Environmental Foundation Launches Zero Emission Vehicle Innovation Grant Program for 2021-2022

The Bonneville Environmental Foundation has teamed up with Forth to launch a Zero Emission Vehicle Innovation Grant program to support the development of charging infrastructure and access to zero emission vehicles within utility territories served by Bonneville Power Administration. Preference will be given to projects that increase equitable access to ZEVs, include at least 50% match funding, and promote innovation through helping utilities overcome awareness, engagement, and ZEV adoption barriers.

Eligible applicants include: Consumer-owned utilities and Tribal utilities or Tribal governments and must be located within service territories of BPA utilities in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, or Montana.

  • Letters of Interest (LOI's) are due by 5:00pm on Monday, November 22, 2021.

  • Proposals that meet criteria will receive an invitation to submit a full application in December 2021.

  • Invited full applications will be due by 5:00pm on Monday, February 7, 2022.

  • Awards will be announced in spring of 2022.

See program flyer for full eligibility criteria and program details!