Oregon Clean Vehicle Rebate Program Offers More Opportunities for Oregonians

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The Oregon Environmental Quality Commission approved an expansion of the Oregon Clean Vehicle Rebate Program rules, making it easier for Oregonians to purchase electric vehicles and access rebates.

The program, managed by the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, issues rebates of up to $5,000 for buying or leasing electric vehicles.

Oregonians who bought or leased eligible EVs between January 1 and August 2, 2018 will now be allowed to apply for rebates through March 30, 2020 — previously, applicants only had six months from purchase to apply. The new rule will allow those Oregonians who purchased EVs in early 2018 to access the program.

Read Oregon DEQ’s full announcement

Learn more about the Oregon Clean Vehicle Rebate Program

See all available incentives and rebates